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16 products

Macchine per la pasta professionali Accessorio Ravioli per Atlas Marcato SpARavioli Accessory for Atlas
Ravioli Accessory for AtlasEvery region of Italy, and every country in the world, offers different shapes, sizes and thicknesses of pasta, each with its own unique ability to enhance t... Sale price77,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Accessorio Sfoglia per Pasta Fresca Marcato SpASfoglia Accessory for Pasta Fresca
Sfoglia Accessory for Pasta FrescaEvery region of Italy, and every country in the world, offers different shapes, sizes and thicknesses of pasta, each with its own unique ability to enhance t... Sale price82,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Atlas + Pastabike Marcato SpAAtlas + Pastabike
Atlas + PastabikeAtlas + Pastabike is a perfect kit for creating and cutting savoury or sweet pasta sheets, creating different pasta shapes, decorations for your cakes and wh... Sale priceFrom 120,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Atlas + stampini Marcato SpAAtlas + cutters
Atlas + cuttersAtlas + moulds is a set designed to unleash your creativity in the kitchen and make numerous dishes such as pasta, ravioli, biscuits and snacks. Sale price131,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Atlas Classic Marcato SpAAtlas Classic
Atlas ClassicWith Atlas Classic you can easily make lasagne, fettuccine, tagliolini and 11 other pasta shapes thanks to the wide range of accessories available for the 15... Sale priceFrom 98,50€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Atlasmotor Marcato SpAAtlasmotor
AtlasmotorWith Atlasmotor you can easily make lasagna, fettuccine, tagliolini and 11 other pasta shapes thanks to the wide range of accessories available. Thanks to th... Sale price221,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Biscottini Marcato SpABiscottini
BiscottiniSet consisting of a flower and star cutter, for making biscuits and various snacks. Sale price28,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Multipast Marcato SpAMultipast
MultipastMultipast is a set consisting of Atlas Classic 150 and 3 extra accessories, with which you can easily make lasagne, fettuccine, tagliolini, ravioli, spaghett... Sale price234,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Pastabike Marcato SpAPastabike
PastabikePastabike, available in 4 colours, allows you to cut sweet and savoury dough, according to the desired width, thanks to the small wheels that can be easily r... Sale price45,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Pastadrive Marcato SpAPastadrive
PastadrivePastadrive allows you to have both hands free and also has a great advantage: it allows you to use the machines to which it is applied anywhere, without havi... Sale price135,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Pastaset Marcato SpAPastaset
PastasetPastaset is a set consisting of Atlas Classic 150 and 2 extra accessories, with which you can easily make lasagne, fettuccine, tagliolini, ravioli, spaghetti... Sale price197,00€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Raviolè Marcato SpARaviolè
RaviolèSet consisting of a square and round cutter, for creating biscuits, pizza, ravioli and various snacks. Sale price26,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Ravioli Like a Pro Marcato SpARavioli Like a Pro
Ravioli Like a ProThe special set dedicated to the world of ravioli, with numerous international recipes, to discover fun new dishes from all over the world! Sale priceFrom 73,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Stampini Marcato SpACutters
CuttersMade of die-cast aluminium and solid wood, Marcato cutters are durable and easy to use. As many as 7 shapes are available: star, triangle, heart, round, flow... Sale priceFrom 10,50€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Tagliapasta Marcato SpAPasta cutter
Pasta cutterPasta cutters available in different formats, with single or double wheel, for smooth, zig-zag, square or round cuts.Made of stainless steel, they are equipp... Sale priceFrom 19,90€
Macchine per la pasta professionali Tavoletta per ravioli Marcato SpARavioli board
Ravioli boardThe ravioli board is a real mould to be used with the supplied rolling pin, allowing quick preparation of 24, 36 or 48 square ravioli or 12 or 24 round ravio... Sale priceFrom 41,90€